Not even USPS can mess up a Pilot RC shipment. Dang, that Tony and Pilot are just top of the stack for me. My 107" Pilot Edge Left wing panel showed up yesterday. Along with the canopy for the Behemoth Yak (2) and the replacement stab tube. They also sent the replacement canopy supports too. I just can't believe how well Pilot packs items. I think our own postal service could take lessons from the shipping companies from over seas.

A Mack truck could probably have run over these two packages and the contents would still survive. I am very appreciative of the extra effort Tony and his people put forth. It just makes ordering parts that much easier. So it looks like I have a slew of projects lining up fast for this winter. I think I will still hold off on the canopy replacement for a while. I want to be completely focused and relaxed when I attempt that removal and reinstallation of the new canopy.
There is always the completing the repairs on the Pilot Edge. Course that won't take much. Epoxy in the control horns for the ailerons, install the servos and wiring. I did notice there is a slight difference between the original left wing panel and the new replacement. My originals did not have the recess for the SFG's. The new left wing does. Sooo... I will need to open up the covering and remove about 1/4" from the end of the wing, then replace the covering. Heck, childs play. I was able to save the vinal graphic from the "toasted" wing.
@49dimes isn't the only cheap bastich around. LOL.

I never really liked the "ripped checkers" on this plane. Having the left wing panel damaged made it easier to make the decision to remove them. I think I like it much better without them. What about you guys? Sooo, that is project number two. Of course I still have to get started on the Velox build for my friend. But not too worried about it. Especially since we will be working six days per week from now on until the snow flies. I will get started on that when winter really sets in.
Oh...but wait... there is yet another project I am going to bust out in the next couple of weeks. I just need to make a decision on the engine choice. Been knocking around a few ideas but nothing set in stone yet. Oh, ya'll want to know what I am talking about? Well, I just couldn't resist. For some it may be a passion. For me? It is a passionate addiction. LOL.... I picked up a brand new never flown SD/TOC 33% Yak 54 from a friend over the weekend. Cost me about a day and a half of wages at work. So I am pretty excited. As it turns out, it was built by a gentleman about an hour from me. He set it up as an electric and never flew it. My buddy bought it...and I told him he "HAD" to sell it to me. Well, so he did. Hacker A80-10 with a Jeti programmable speed controller, Mej cf 28x10 prop, Tru-turn spinner and all Hitec HS7955's throughout. All components brand new out of the box for the build. And I was very pleased to discover the gent that put this thing together didn't skimp when it came to hardware either. I will not be using the Hacker or speed controller. As you all have guessed, it will probably get a "dub" up front. There was one other option, but I am actually going to try to save some money on this build and maybe kill two birds with one stone.
I think one of the things I really like a "LOT" about this little Yak dude is the "swept" forward landing gear. Just like the full scale Yak, they rake forward and look very scale. It seems that the "round" cowled planes are taking over my house. Gosh, First it was the big Sukhoi, then the Behemoth Yak, the Pitts and now this Baby Yak. My Extra and Edge are probably getting nervous with all the "roundies" chillin' in the Epley hangar. LOL.
So here are my thoughts on the engine choice for the Baby Yak. I have done some reading up on this on other forums and most all guys were using a 70cc twin. A few have used a 80 twin for the extra power. I had thought I might look into an 85cc single. Maybe DLE to keep the cost down. But then I got to thinking. I like the way the Pitts flies. But I would like to shave some weight off from it. I still have a BE 62 not doing anything and being about a pound and a half lighter than the 3w twin, I could remove all the extra weight in the tail of the plane that I put in to get it to balance at least somewhat close. All in all, I could probably eliminate about 2 to 2 1/2 pounds from the Pitts. Which would help it immensely. I will probably use a wrap around pitts muffler on it. I can then put the "dub" 70 twin on the Baby Yak and have plenty of power. Being a 95" wing span plane, I am thinking it will do a good job. From what I have read, it should come in around the 19 pound mark. That being said, what are you guys' thoughts? Any of you ever have one of these planes? And if so, what was the engine choice? Maybe a pal or someone at one of your fields? I had thought I was done with the smaller planes. But as I said, it is a passionate addiction and I just love love love a Yak 54. I just couldn't say no. LOL
Sorry everyone if this is too long of a post. I just don't have much time these days it seems. Work and all. I rarely get time to fly and even less time to get to the computer and stay caught up on what everyone is doing.