I like 'em "BIG"!
Well I figured if EF could do it, Why can't I? Too bad it is not the real cf structure huh?Trying to turn a pilot airframe into an Extreme Flight airframe. Lol
Looks good bro. Keep up the good work.
Well I figured if EF could do it, Why can't I? Too bad it is not the real cf structure huh?Trying to turn a pilot airframe into an Extreme Flight airframe. Lol
Looks good bro. Keep up the good work.
Actually it is adhesive backed. Peal, stick...trim. Done!Is it just like covering material. You put it on with a iron. It looks pretty good.
Hi @Rusty 73 how are you doing have not heard from you in quite a while hope you are building something this winter.
Snoopy1 yes im putting together the second PAU 330sc the sister the he one last year .
Been following FG threads about iMac planes and the guys i meet when i was at TAS 2017 in Tucson .
Just started getting all the bit together for assembly .
How about you what's in your hanger being built for the up coming flying season?
Sorry about your friend Snoop. In his memory, fly a flight for him each time you go out.Good to hear from you, still into IMAC I see. The meet down in Tucson is set by DA I belive. A friend of mine was very heavily into it and we were getting prepared to retire we were going to get together and he was going build a plane with me and help through the first stages of IMAC. But unfortunately just as he was going to retire he went down to the Tucson to fly in the meet, got really sick from some kind of bug or something that bit him and 6 mouths later he passed away .
I am into this 3D stuff right now spent all of last season and the season before trying to teach my self to do it. It’s hard teaching an old dog new tricks but I am not giving up. Been changing my aeroplanes to meet all the demands for 3D. Bigger engines and removing weight as much as possible trying to achieve this magical number of 8.5 WCL. Rebuild three planes and have been able to get them down to 8.4 to 9.0 so we will see how it all fly’s this coming season.
Thanks for that, way to soon.Sorry about your friend Snoop. In his memory, fly a flight for him each time you go out.
The 8.5 WCL is a great number to shoot for. Anything between 7 and 10 is actually desirable. It definately makes a difference on how a plane responds in the air. Not sure my H9 Sukhoi is even close but the 2 to 1 power to weight ratio is really what I shoot for. Maybe it's the weight cuz she isn't quite as nimble as Baby. Never the less, that Big Orange bird is ridiculous smooth and uber precise.
Thank you. I'm just restoring and adding some stand off appeal. @dhal22 is doing the "Real Deal" build. That's a really nice Cub he is building.