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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


640cc Uber Pimp
After some coaxing from the wife I decided to clear the shop of my desk, and associated items, and move them into one of the extra bedrooms of the house. I have actually thinking about doing this for some time but been to bloody busy. So here is a before and after of that end of the shop. Really opened it up for building!
When I do things like and it is all done I always stand back a say to myself I should have done this ages ago.


640cc Uber Pimp
Well boys started something and just trying to build a 50 cc profile. This is what happens when all your projects are done and you are sitting in your work shop looking around. Well this started about a year ago. Bought a 50cc ARF started to look at it and did some minor assembly, it just looked to big and heavy. So I put everything together and put it on a scale and that was with all the little stuff and came in at 17 lbs 10 oz. then measured up the wing and came to 1345 square inches. So from there did some number crunching and WCL came out 9.8 so with few bits and pieces it would pass a WCL OF 10. So at that point I just put it away and never looked at it again. But this week I pulled out the wings and thought that I would see if I can draw up profile plane around the wings. My goal is to have WCL of 8.5 and weight of less than 14 lbs sitting on the runway ready to take off. The engine will be a DA50 with a stock muffler.
This what I have up to now. Any help and assistance will be greatly appreciate. By the way the wing is 10 % aerofoil and max thickness is at 30%.


Damn I'm hungry
This is really coming along quite nicely huh buddy? What a score you got there. I'm really excited for you. Can't wait to hear you're spending more time flying the Cub than you are the Alien Banana. It seems there are just some planes that get our blood going. Doesn't matter the form or style, they grab us and don't let go. My 260 has been that way for me. I hope the 330 proves to be just as good. Looking forward to your next installment of photos and info. Happy day bro. :banana-dance:

I should have just done a thread and called it "Trash Can Cub". Most of the plane was either slated or parts got from the good ol' recycle bin.
None the less it is turning out quite nicely. Very grateful to and worth the trip to @acerc . Will be my "lazy day" fun flyer. That's not to say the 330sc is not fun. Alien Extra is BAAF (badazzawesomeflyer). I'm just gonna do "Low and Slow" with the Cub and not the Alien.
After 20 years of 3D flying I finally got tired of putting them in the trash can....So I started pulling them out :).
Guess I'm a "Bum" flyer now huh!?:D lol


640cc Uber Pimp
Look's as if you are on your way to a great profile. Git-er-Done!!!
You mentioned that you may be interested in the Midwest Super Stinker I have. I belive you may be going to JoeNall if so and you would like to buy the kit let me know what you are willing to give for it. It also coms with an after market Fiberglas cowl. If we agree I can give it to you at JoeNall, let me know.


640cc Uber Pimp
I have done all I wanted with the shop. I think it is far better and much more organized now. I emptied the cabinets, 90% went into the dumpster, and used them more appropriately for tools and the such. Hung the radio rack, hung the original full scale tail covering. Can everyone tell I am a Pitts fan boy!!! LOL...


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70cc twin V2
I have done all I wanted with the shop. I think it is far better and much more organized now. I emptied the cabinets, 90% went into the dumpster, and used them more appropriately for tools and the such. Hung the radio rack, hung the original full scale tail covering. Can everyone tell I am a Pitts fan boy!!! LOL...

You sure did a lot! That plane went a long ways in the building ;)


Damn I'm hungry
I have done all I wanted with the shop. I think it is far better and much more organized now. I emptied the cabinets, 90% went into the dumpster, and used them more appropriately for tools and the such. Hung the radio rack, hung the original full scale tail covering. Can everyone tell I am a Pitts fan boy!!! LOL...

You a Pitts Guy!? .......:yesss:.

Shop looks great. Nice and bright and plenty of elbow room :attaboy:.