My flying buddy has a DX9 it is a good radio well laid out and easy to program. The only thing I need is at least 12 channels not anymore but at least 12. I have heard the JR is making a come back I belive they made a bunch of servos for DA. Also they will be at JoeNall showing of there new stuff and introducing them selfs to us,I might pull the trigger on a DX9 Black Edition. I have been very happy with the DX8G2 but would want another channel if I decide to do another 35center or biplane. And yes I have had 200$ lunch bags too that left me hungry.
Somewhere in North Carolina is a model train museum. My boys were wowed by all the active trains. One display takes up a huge room. Couple of years ago so don't remember the town.
Unfortunately I have not been able to retrieve any Velox build photos from the crappy dying hunk oflaptop, but I will keep trying. I would like to get that thread updated soon too. Hopefully I can get them pulled off. The Velox is coming along nicely... And will update that thread soon.