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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


Damn I'm hungry
That thing looks fast, what wheels are those?
MPI light aluminum 2.75". Spokes look cool. It does look as if it is going to be a rocket. Just what I need! lol
Probably get a couple of gallons through it before the parts show up. Once engine has new parts then we will see just how fast it really is.
Oh yea, what was that show called....."Destroyed in seconds"


Damn I'm hungry
Just the wing halves left to do. For a HK "sport" plane not to bad. Looking at youtube vids high g turns are not recommended. Or flying on the beach with people and cars.


640cc Uber Pimp
I haven't been in my workshop for over two weeks. :msn_slap:

UPS did drop off a box of balsa sheeting today, so I need to find my way back to the workshop.
Got to start repairing my Funtana that pancaked today. Broke the flat CA hinges and the rudder came off cleanly. Dug out the old halves and epoxied new flat hinges into the rudder. Will attach rudder to the vertical stab tomorrow.

BJ Swope