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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


Damn I'm hungry
I got my "hole in the wall" shop to not look so much like a hole in the wall.


70cc twin V2
I should take a bat to this piece of crap that someone took a rather new guy to the cleaners on. He brought the Yak over for me to look over. The guy traded him out of some thing worth 3 times more than this piece of crap Yak is worth. Said it was ready to fly, what a lie, The wing tube doesn't fit the Wings or the Fuse, the rudder was busted, the carbon fiber tail wheel boom broken and was glued together, and a piece of aluminum bolted to the carbon pieces to hold it together. Came with junk batteries that would not charge past 1 % capacity, I had to rebuild the DLE 60 twin in it. I could go on and on. IMG_3922.JPG IMG_3923.JPG IMG_3924.JPG IMG_3925.JPG IMG_3926.JPG IMG_3927.JPG
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70cc twin V2
Wow. That's crazy Jerry. Hopefully you can help the guy out nd get that pos back in the air.
You can take that to the bank. The rudder is almost done, the engine is ready to run and set, a new tail wheel assembly installed, Oh hey. I forgot to mention the Canopy hatch was broken into, and has been repaired. People in this area wonder why I do not get a lot of my stuff done? I just can not say no, and I enjoy helping get as many new and old RC enthusiasts in the air no matter what it is. When done the Yak will be almost as good as new.


70cc twin V2
After he gets done with the fixing it will be much better than it has been in a long time. And now the rest of the story, in doing a bit of research of this plane. Never heard of a PAU Yak 54 so, I sent PAU an email for some history of this plane and got back from the owner that they never had a Yak. It turns out that the prior owners, who was BME did. This quite older plane is lucky to be around still.