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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


70cc twin V2
We were out flying earlier today until about one. Then we came home and a buddy and I started assembling a Precision Aerobatics 58" Extra MX
we got a lot done and we are going to finish it tomorrow Headed out to do some Night flying here are a few photo's of our progress on this one

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I started on a .60 size value hobby stick and finished it tonight. Savox 1232 servos in the wing and 1258 in the tail. With a dle20 for power. View attachment 40274

On the hunt for 1000WHP
I have an evil plan for one of these with a 20 for HOW, Not sure the plane will handle the speed but If I get the project done Ill Make sure its tested here really good lol, Also rebuilding a few others for trip a glow and an 89 slick so Ill be hard at it for the next 45 days


"Cool Guy"
Got started on my Edge, control horns glued in, aileron, an rudder servo's in, got her on her feet. I'm using a old soldering iron to open up servo location, then using a black sharpie to black out the tabs. It's going together quickly, only complaint so far, is the control horns. I've had to sand 1/16-1/8 off each one, to get them to fit flush in pocket.

Question : 3rd pic, where I removed covering for control horn, if I had blacked that out with sharpie, would there be any issue with my epoxy bonding correctly?


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70cc twin V2
Here is a Giant scale Stick. I test flew for a friend over in Gillette Wyo. at there end of Aug. Fun Fly with an OS 33cc gasser Great flying plane. The WW1 biplane by the wing tip is a 60" wing span with an OS 90 for stroke in it. Give a little size comparison
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