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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Tightened up some more covering on my 91" Slick, sometimes I really hate working multiple layers of covering!


640cc Uber Pimp
Worked on the Viper St, building the fuse still everything is going great everything fits at times very tight. It is looking great. Using Ca for the build medium from Tightbond it is not bothering right now hopefully it will be ok. Normally I an allergic to CA. The one problem need to make a new gear plate for the plane the one that came with the plane is delaminated looks like a bad piece of wood. It does not show up well on the picture but weak thorough the middle. The only thing 6mm ply is going to difficult to get.


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640cc Uber Pimp
The one problem need to make a new gear plate for the plane the one that came with the plane is delaminated looks like a bad piece of wood. It does not show up well on the picture but weak thorough the middle. The only thing 6mm ply is going to difficult to get.

It's 1/4" lite ply, laser has a hard time cutting through the final layer. Nothing wrong with it structurally as the aluminum angle takes most of the stress. If you feel that it needs reinforcement just add a layer of 1/8" over top of it once installed.....before putting the aluminum on. No need to make it more difficult than it needs to be.


640cc Uber Pimp
The landing gear plate is 0.236 inches. 0.236/25.4 = 5.994mm = 6mm. Please see attached photo showing being measured with a micrometer.


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640cc Uber Pimp
As we buy it in the USA it is "1/4" lite ply" ALL plywood manufactured anywhere in the world is metric. Either way the other note I posted about it stands if you need a "fix".