Friend of mine, lost his entire house and shop due to a fire. Everyone speculated it was a lipo fire. Not the case. It was due to faulty wiring in the basement. The home builder used lamp cord to wire up the basement. Lamp cord is good for about 3A.
The case in the above video, again, they, the owner, speculated a lipo fire.
The times that lipo are unsafe are when they become damaged, over discharging and charging at too fast of a rate. A lipo sitting on a shelf will not ignite. It is very much like a loaded hand gun. It takes an action to have a reaction.
I have probably 75 lipo packs in my house, and none are in containers. Some are swollen, some are damaged (made sure they were discharged to 0). I have been dealing with lipo since I first heard of them.
How many vendors and dealers have lipos just stored on shelves?? Probably all of them. Do you think that they have each lipo in a baggie?? Nope.
I leave lipos in my aircraft year round, charge them in the airplane. I do just about everything wrong to them, and nothing happens. Knock on wood. I have everything from 1S 130 packs to 6S 5300 heli packs. When I fly indoor 2S stuff, I carry around 15 packs in my jacket pockets. 1 side for charged, the other for discharged.
I do agree on safety. But how safe can one be? This isnt meant to ruffle any feathers, but just general statements. If you have a lipo that is of any concern, then it should be placed in the middle of a concrete floor, with nothing around. Outside is even better, in a driveway. That way, if something were to happen, you do not loose any investment.
As you can tell, Im very PRO lipo. I have never been a fan of A123 packs. There are people out there who love them. That is great! Im estatic that you like them that much. Lipo for me, until I see fit for another battery change.