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This won't help our cause at all....


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Well it's one thing if it's a rogue operator flying without permission, but this was a TV crew that was operating with permission. Granted they weren't supposed to be flying over the course, but they weren't just in there nilly willy..

Still doesn't leave any better of a taste in my mouth..


70cc twin V2
No, the guy was part of the professional camera crew covering the event. They were requested not to fly directly over the course, but rather to stay off to the sidetrack a bit. But you know the MR/AP guys, can't get the Kewl Shot that way, so........

Apparently a complete power failure. I have not heard exactly what happened yet, but these skiers can hit 100 mph and have only minimal protection on. It may not have killed the guy, might have, but at the very least it would likely have been a career ending event. All so some @$$hat with a drone could "get the shot".
Stupid drone pukes.... Morons can't even get it right as professionals. I hope they ban themselves out of existence...