great thread, since it covers a real good topic for discussion.
setting it up is not easy, and takes several adjustments as you go, til it gets right.
i have tried the 1:1 linkage set up, seems to not make a difference.
now, what i do is this:
consider that on my radio, for throttle servo
i can adjust:
center = i leave at 0
max positive end point = i start at 100
max negative end point = i start at 100
before i begin, on the tx, i will set the idle trim all the way down, to in effect, create the full down throttle.
ok, next step, i see which direction is full throttle up on the carb and on the servo direction, and make sure it does not require me to reverse the servo
once that step is done,
then i put throttle stick at middle, and then i place the carb butterfly at like 50% open, based on looking at the position of the throttle arm on the carb. this is an estimate of where i think middle is by gently moving it back and forth and looking at the angles made.
once i do that, i then will move throttle stick up and down and see if there is binding with end points set at 100
if there is none, i prefer to not increase end points, what i will do is change the hole position on the servo arm to the next hole out. or get a servo arm that is longer if it were already maxed out.
ok, if i move out to where it now open up almost all the way, and just needs a little bit, then i will adjust the end points.
ok, lets say, with my servo arm hole, i have to decrease end points due to binding down to 60 or so, then i will use the hole on the servo arm that is one hole closer in, to decrease the throw, and etc.., you see what i mean, i am trying to get end points of 100
ok, lets say, when i am done with my excursion and there is no binding, and lets say my end points are 100 on top and 60 on bottom (roughly speaking), then i will move the servo arm on the spline one tooth over, to try and get closer to same on both sides, so that is it like 80 and 80 or close to that, you can see what i am trying to do here.
it also helps to get the servo arm on the servo at mid stick, to be perpendicular to the long axis of the servo. if most of the throw is more one way than the other, this creates a throttle curve of its own. ( I believe).
ok, this i learned recently, and i have known this fact all along, once the throttle valve plate is about 70% open, seems to me, that movement from 70% to 100% does not increase output of motor (increase in RPM stays same).
but, what i failed to recognize was, that i was setting up my servos so that when it was wide open, and it was barely binding at full throttle, i would back it off one click at a time to stop the buzzing of the servo, meaning, no binding. (throttle valve plate was open 100%) i never took into consideration that once the motor is running and at top rpm, the vibrations were probably causing a binding issue. so now, once it is full wide open throttle, i will now decrease the end point by another 10%, so the throttle does not open up to 100%, but instead, about 90% or so.
likewise, this has not been a problem with the low end, since after set up, the low position is set to open the carb by a bit, to trim the idle. so in theory, i can kill the motor with the trim, if i had to do that. but i also have a kill switch anyways.
well those are my 2 cents