Space Bat
The best thing to do is do an add hock wind tunnel if you are really interested in this stuff - you can buy a tunnel (kids activity tent/tunnel plaything) a fan and a high speed camera....lots of wool and some tape...
You can pretty much get close to a professional set up and you would be surprised how air and boundary layers work on a is nothing what people expect - such as flow reverse and flow collapse and boundary lifting....
We did a fair amount on my last job where we tested the vectored thrust system and worked out whether our vectored system had issues with flutter....
Some people know .... but I tested the engine and propulsion system on this bad Cranfield University UK....
The best thing to do is do an add hock wind tunnel if you are really interested in this stuff - you can buy a tunnel (kids activity tent/tunnel plaything) a fan and a high speed camera....lots of wool and some tape...
You can pretty much get close to a professional set up and you would be surprised how air and boundary layers work on a is nothing what people expect - such as flow reverse and flow collapse and boundary lifting....
We did a fair amount on my last job where we tested the vectored thrust system and worked out whether our vectored system had issues with flutter....
Some people know .... but I tested the engine and propulsion system on this bad Cranfield University UK....