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Toledo Show - Times they are a changing....


Oh guys, I am starting to eyeball all the video I shot this weekend, and I'm drinking a cup of coffee and thinking about the Toledo Show. And guys what I have come up with is, "The times, they are a changing."

As wonderful as it is to see a lot of old friends to kind of start the season off, I don't think the expo's have the weight they used to have. For example through out the entire weekend, I did not see one mind blowing announcement from any vendor. No major new radio releases, no new mind blowing new engine technology, no press stopping airplane releases. It seems to me at least that most companies recognize that with the speed and ability of websites, Facebook, twitter and even Instagram there is no reason to hold important information/releases back from people and wait months for expos any more. With the ease of online sales, and online news outlets the hobby expo becomes more of a luxury than a necessity. And from what I saw this year attendance shows this. Don't get me wrong the guys from the Weak Signals club still do a world class job of setting up an event and the social aspects are still amazing, and if you look hard enough you may find a nice deal here or there but comparing this past weekend to say ten years ago, it's a drastically different show. Even the "lay people" off the street have much more common knowledge about RC than they did in the past. So even the RTF stuff, and bargain off brand stuff was not flying out the door as much as it used to.

Another thing surprising was the lack of Giant Scale RC airframe manufactorers on the floor. Sure there were some great ones, OMP, RedwingRC, Aj Aircraft, SIG, H9, GP, and a few others, but many of the show's staples like Aeroworks, EF, 3DHS, PAU and others were not in attendance. Obviously as any businessman knows the ROI has to justify the trip and for a lot of these companies, that's a LONG trip to fund if your only going to move a few airplanes. And most of the companies that did attend were pretty local or part of larger companies that have to be there. But again something was lost with these brands not being there. I remember a few years back seeing younger kids meeting their sponsored pilot hero, this year, not so much.

I wonder if the expo circuit can adapt and thrive once again in the new modern climate where releasing exclusive news to the masses is an email, a post to GSN and a link on Facebook away.

So share your thoughts, can the expo's survive? Can they adapt?

The one thing they still offer than no online experience can rival is the meeting and greetings and flying with your buddies in person that takes place each year. But is that enough to keep them going?

My brain hurts, I'm going to read the Sunday funnies.
Yup. Like you said.... With the advent of Social Media, the big announcements will be a thing of the past. Plus, if something is secretive, it is not long until that secret is told by someone.
Good perception SleepyC. Dealers cannot wait a year or even a few months to come to the show or introduce something new. They need profits right now. They use internet sites like right here to blast out new models and equipment and get immediate results. I think annual shows will become the thing of the past.
Aeroworks to my understanding did book space at first but they had issues with getting new stock of aircraft. They did receive their planes but I was told they were working on back orders. I expect to see them next year.

I have not seen EF in a long time at the show and 3DHS has not been there for a few years either I thought. I would like to see more giant scale stuff. OMP was practically giving away a 40% raven at $1200.00 I believe.


Well I for one will always continue to go to expos. The internet is great for info on the newest and badest thing on the market but there is one thing it can't replace, actually seeing the thing in person.

A few years ago (actually it was 5) I was hell bent on the Great Planes 50cc Pitts, but when I went to Toledo before it had been released and saw it in person I was greatly disappointed. Hate to offend anyone but the thing was a piece of junk.. (and probably why it didn't survive on the market) so anyway I went home and resumed my search for a new airplane. I ended up with the PAU/BME Ultimate, best decision I've ever made.

Companies haven't made any earth shattering announcements at expos, but when have they had earth shattering news? Yup JR has the 28x that they unveiled over a year ago and still haven't released yet. Futaba, notta. Airtroncis, nothing. All of the manufacturers big announcements have been about quads and multicopters, and there were a gods plenty of them there.

I did see a lot of people on Friday carrying big boxes with airplanes out the door, I know Sig sold out there 30cc Buckers on Friday, and I saw quite a few buying stuff from OMP.

I don't think airframe manufacturers are ever going to be a heavy presence at expos, and Sleepy nailed it. For most its a long drive to sell one airplane. But how many people go to the Toledo Expo with thousands of $ in there pockets? I know I only ever have 3-4 hundred.

Just my 2 cents.
Pssst bipeguy, the 28x has been out for a month now


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Pssst bipeguy, the 28x has been out for a month now

Well I missed that! lol

But with that said, when did they announce it? Still took them over a year from the time it was announced to the time it was released, but in that time the prototype made it's rounds at the Expos so people got to hold it, play with it and talk to the folks at JR about it. Which is what the Expos are really for, cause 2,800 bones is a lot to throw at something you have never seen anywhere but pictures.
Well I missed that! lol

But with that said, when did they announce it? Still took them over a year from the time it was announced to the time it was released, but in that time the prototype made it's rounds at the Expos so people got to hold it, play with it and talk to the folks at JR about it. Which is what the Expos are really for, cause 2,800 bones is a lot to throw at something you have never seen anywhere but pictures.

There was steady emails to those that put their names on the preorder list. I do not know how vendors that sold it were told about it but those that did preorder at vendors were informed also to the best of my knowledge. If I remember correctly the Futaba 18MZ was preannounced almost a year in advance. The last delay was from a vendor of JR that made a certain part and it did not meet JR's specs so they had to quickly resource that part.

It really is neat when there is a big announcement at Expos though.


I was just making an observation and used the JR 28 as an example, wasn't trying to offend anyone or start a brand war. I understand that when a company announces a new product, it takes awhile to get it to the market. That was the point I was trying to make, after the announcement of a new product, the companies then take it to expos for the public to see it and play with it. :)