I have to agree with this. Both my son and I have one each of the Pilot 87" 30% Edge 540. Both of ours come in around 16 pounds with a DLE 55 and canisters. Freaking wild and insane planes. Just can't be beat. A DA 50 really is not going to be that far off the DLE 55.Pilot Edge would be great with a DA 50, they come in around 16lbs, I have an extra that weighs 19lbs with fuel and it flys well on a DLE 55, V1 slicks that come in around 17-17.5 lbs will fly very well on a 50. There are many choices Id stay away from 90+ or build weights over 17-18 lbs.
I've been considering this plane. Thanks for the indepth review. Now if they would come back in to stock.I put a DA50R in my RedwingRC YAK and that is a great combination. I generally fly a Vess 23B prop and the motor and plane seem to like that just fine.