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Tulsa OK Huckfest in the Heartland


70cc twin V2
He's got a point sleepy, you established such a stake in the ground with the word huckfest. We will never do a "f*****gi****.com huckfest again but I have to say we will forever have the cornhuck. "Gsn therapy cornhuck 2015"?


70cc twin V2
I would like to thank the sponsors that support our event. We expect it to be bigger and better than last year.
Sponsors so far:
Hitec RCD http://hitecrcd.com/
Morse Aircraft Develpoment http://www.morseaircraftdevelopment.com/
B&E Graphix http://www.bandegraphix.com/
Bob Smith Industries http://bsi-inc.com/
RTL Fastener http://www.rtlfasteners.com/
Dinogy Lipos http://dinogylipos.com/
Texas Roadhouse http://www.texasroadhouse.com/
Aerobeez http://aerobeez.com/
A Main Hobby http://www.amain.com/
Tru-Turn http://tru-turn.com/
Redwing RC http://www.redwingrc.com/
United Rentals http://www.unitedrentals.com/
Tail Dragger RC http://www.taildraggerrc.com/
Subsonic Planes http://www.subsonicplanes.com/
Graphtec http://graphtechrcshop.com/
Jersey Modeler http://www.jerseymodeler.com/
Just Model Props http://www.justmodelprops.com/
3DRC Hobbies http://www.3drchobbies.com/
Power Box Systems http://powerbox-systems.com/
Servo City https://www.servocity.com/
Hobbico http://www.hobbico.com/home.html
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70cc twin V2
here is our banner for this year. Thanks for the picture Thurmma...


  • Huckfest in the Heartland 2015 banner.pdf
    1.3 MB · Views: 443


David and I are ready to go to the Cornhuck!! Great time will be had by all except for any poor ducks that are in the hood!! P-47 target practice!!