I brought both my Panasonic and my Nikon to the Austin Bash and yes I felt torn between doing one or the other and in the end I got wrapped up in my plane building drama. For this bash I just brought my Nikon and only took it out once. I was very busy flying, ducking away from the rain, and spending time with my dad so it took a back seat. I need to go through the few that I did take and post them.
I did video production for 3 years before I took up flying for a living. This was before digital editing so we are talking A/B roll, switcher, FX machines, and CG machines, all of which were separate. I enjoy shooting video, but editing seems too much like work and the learning curve is steep on many of these programs. I tried muddling through Sony Vegas. I am OK with iMovie and I know it is limited, but I only do basic editing these days.