I snipped 1 end of each of the cf rods at a 45* angle. That will make it sit flush in the h-fuse. To assemble, the 2 cf pieces cross through the v-fuse and go into small slots in the h- fuse. The white spacer goes into the v-fuse where the cf crosses. I put dabs of welders into the small holes in the h-fuse and assembled the landing gear. Then I put welders into the spot where the cf crosses and the spacer is. Make sure all parts have glue on them. Let that dry for a bit. Next the white discs go on the ends of the cf. There will be a little of the cf sticking through the discs. Make sure they are straight. Next the wheel/pant assembly is glued onto the discs. Make sure the crossing of the cf pieces happens at what will be the lowest part of the opening so there is clearance for the aileron servo arm. I also glued the tail skid on now. I made sure it bridges the joint between the v-fuse and the rudder.
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