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Vintage Pattern fly in


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I see a pattern fly in that I might attend. There are a couple of classic pattern fans here that might be interested.

American flag flyer.jpg

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Hey David,

I saw this somewhere. I just wish it wasn't so far away. It would almost be worth the trip for a chance to win one of Leo's Bootleggers. . . . . . :yesss:


New to GSN!
Is this event still on? I went to the club web site - no mention is made of it.
The Senior Pattern Association has many events in 2019 in both East and West conferences. If you like pattern, give SPA a shot. My own club hosts SPA in September (www.fwthunderbirds.org)


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Is this event still on? I went to the club web site - no mention is made of it.
The Senior Pattern Association has many events in 2019 in both East and West conferences. If you like pattern, give SPA a shot. My own club hosts SPA in September (www.fwthunderbirds.org)

There's a thread on rcg classic pattern forum about this event. It is not a SPA sanctioned event. Which allows retracts and pipes!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo!: :yesss::banana-dance: