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What are you going to build in 2015?


70cc twin V2
Travis, I haven't decided on a cowl yet. I am planning to use extreme flight's landing gear and canopy. Their cowl is also larger than what our Edge needs so it also could be modified to work. I think I will be putting a DA70 in it This project may take me a while to build up all the funds since my wife and I are hitting it hard to finish up the kids' college funds. So I am in no big hurry to find all the finishing aspects of that bird yet.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Well I pulled the trigger on an Aerobeez 70" Slick today. Pretty excited, all of my buddies fly Aerobeez (some are team pilots) and nobody has complained about it, plus the Aerobeez guys I know are pretty rad ;)


Defender of the Noob!
Have been kicking this around but I think I'm going to strip the covering off of the 35% Carden Cap that I bought about a month ago. The covering is really loose just about everywhere, the control horns are all jacked, and the engine needs to be sent out for service anyway. I was not up for looking the plane over the morning that I bought it and didn't bother looking too closely at it and it needs work to be really nice.

Was talking to Dennis about graphics for it so the end result would be really sweet.

I should go strip the wings while I'm thinking about it and before I change my mind!


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Woohooo it's here it's here it's here!!!!

My new Aerobeez 70" Slick. Man this thing is just rad. I'll post more as I progress along the build if anybody is curious :brian-banana:


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