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What beer ya drinking tonight?


Started out with a Blue Moon and now I've switched to Guinness...man I must say, since becoming a Guinness fan, beers like Blue Moon and many of the domestics just don't cut the mustard any more...I have been spoiled....:cheers:


Staff member
Started out with a Blue Moon and now I've switched to Guinness...man I must say, since becoming a Guinness fan, beers like Blue Moon and many of the domestics just don't cut the mustard any more...I have been spoiled....:cheers:
It only gets worse from here bro. Pretty soon Guinness will start to taste watery to you. Then you'll be looking at the double stouts.:D


Staff member
Drinking some Dragon's Milk tonight.:way_to_go:
It's a good bourbon stout, but not as good as MILF or Bourbon County Stout. And doesn't hold a candle to Mephistopheles. It lacks that sharp edge that those others have. Would probably make a good first bourbon stout for someone to try since it has a little less bite to it. Very smooth.