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What beer ya drinking tonight?


I was on the Guinness tonight, (of course) but my reunion was AWESOME!! Got to spend most of the night with my old highschool crush. May sound weird but it was fun to spend some time with her :)



Staff member
FYI, for anyone who's wondering....I got a PM from @Mikeq yesterday and he's alive and well! I thought for sure he died.:p

He's just been swamped with work and family. Said he'd be back to airplanes in due time. I told him not to forget his old drinking buddies!:cheers:


FYI, for anyone who's wondering....I got a PM from @Mikeq yesterday and he's alive and well! I thought for sure he died.:p

He's just been swamped with work and family. Said he'd be back to airplanes in due time. I told him not to forget his old drinking buddies!:cheers:

I know that feeling, was pretty much all of last summer. Although work involved airplanes, I didn't get to do much of it for myself lol