Staff member
Much better:very_drunk:

pawnshopmike;14299 wrote: Much better:very_drunk:
Bipeguy03;14318 wrote: Makes your mouth water don't it? lol
Do-rag;14409 wrote: Yeah but that way you have to open the door and your beer might get warm. Just do like a guy I knew in PA did with two kegs in the fridge with taps in the door. That way you always have cold beer unless you have to change the keg.
pawnshopmike;14453 wrote: My only problem with the keg method is that I like to drink something different every night. I do buy one of those mini kegs once in a while, but I usually get burnt out on those too before they are empty.
Mikeq;14328 wrote: Man if you had that in your shop I like to be your neighbor...:very_drunk:
Bipeguy03;14489 wrote: If I had that in my shop, I'd probably have lots of neighbors!!! lol