Staff member
That should take the edge off.After a very very very rough day at the shop....I'm polishing off a 6 pack of these.
View attachment 86177

That should take the edge off.After a very very very rough day at the shop....I'm polishing off a 6 pack of these.
View attachment 86177
After a very very very rough day at the shop....I'm polishing off a 6 pack of these.
View attachment 86177
At $4 less than their Skulpin I grabbed a 6 pack of Big Eye ipa. Another great beer from Ballast Point.
View attachment 85862
Lmao. Great story!On the Sierra Nevada fall pack tonight. I'm sitting here sweating waiting for fall to arrive.
Seeing the Corona reminds me of a story...Once upon a time many years ago you couldn't get Corona here in the states. My friend thought it was the best beer in the world so we should make a road trip to Mexico in his karmann ghia and bring some back. So we drove down to somewhere probably TJ and bought quite a few cases of Corona. After drinking quite a few we decided to head back. We hid all this beer all over the car, behind the seats, trunk, engine compartment etc. you get the idea. So we pull up to the border patrol guard and my friend slams on his brakes. The whole car sounded like the tabernacle choir playing a concert with bottles. We just smiled at the guy and he started laughing and waved us through.
Corona just doesn't taste the same as back then!