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What beer ya drinking tonight?


Staff member
On the IPA now.



GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I lightened up as bit as well and bought some Sweetwater 420 pale ale . Sweetwater is getting bigger and bigger every year due to some great beers .


Staff member
Nebraska IPA in a can tonight. I'm really liking this one. I can't decide if I like it or the Bur Oak IPA canned beer better. Guess I'll just have to keep buying and drinking both.


Staff member
I had high hopes for this 11.8% Burbon Barrel Quad. But it came up way short. It might be much better after a couple years aging. But for now, not so much. Style wise, it's very similar to Gulden Draak. Except Gulden Draak is amazing! It's very rich, think and smooth. This Bourbon Barrel Quad is thin, watery and way way to carbonated. Like taking a drink of Alka-Seltzer before its ready. Honestly I don't understand how some of this stuff makes it to market. I've had several different Boulevard Smoke Stack Series beers and they were great. This stuff would be better suited for cleaning your drain.



GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Still on the light side, nothing decent in the IPA section at the local grocery store so another purchase of Sweetwater's 420, a pale ale.