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What beer ya drinking tonight?


70cc twin V2
Oktoberfest is out already! man thats a love hate. I love the fall and love octoberfest, but I love summer and all that goes with it. Seeing octoberfest out makes me a little sad that summer is pretty much on the way out :upset:


70cc twin V2
Yea, hunting season, football, cooler weather, and less yard work are all major pluses, but no more lake (around October time) is kinda a bummer :bi_polo:


pawnshopmike;8083 wrote: Ya. It's been out about a week or so. 99 freakin degrees out all this week. I'm ready for Fall!!

Yeah...it hit 97 today and I think it was the hottest so far this summer..we are suppose to get up close to 100 this weekend...hey Mike are you close to all that mayhem going on in Ferguson?


Staff member
Leffe Blond Belgian Ale tonight. At 6.6% it's far from the strongest beer in my war chest, but it's not short on flavor! One of the smoothest, sweetest beers I've ever had.
