Cody, I mentioned to Brian (Yak dude) about sending 3D sequence samples to include in his sim tutorials. When you get spooled up maybe that could be a good one For you to do "live". Not sure if you would rather start from the beginning- a setup and trim vid with pre brief then flying through the process would be a fantastic link to start off. Show preflt chk of control alignment, split elev/ aileron use then several types of cg checks- inv, 45 upline, dwn line power off rolls for ail diff, etc. just a thought. Would be a good place to send folks rather than talking or writing it all out. I don't think I've seen a good thorough video of the subject. Usually it is just commented "make sure you have a proper setup". That statement has many different meanings. Like you and others have taught me, without that good setup you are at a great disadvantage to flying precisely.