I like 'em "BIG"!
I've always felt there should be a "What the postman brought today" thread. Sometimes we get really cool stuff left at our doorsteps. Sometimes the big brown truck stops by for a visit and leaves you with a smile. Not that kind of a smile gents...sheesh! Sometimes the visit is not so pleasant. As in, we've all seen what can happen when savage baggage handlers are left in charge of our priced purchases. But then there are times that something amazing is left for us. No, I don't mean the bikini clad blonde bombshell jumping out of a cake. More like really cool schtuff for our bad ass rides.
Ok, so y'all agree? Well then let's kick this off. It so happens I didn't get the blonde bombshell jumping out of a cake left only for me to tantalize over.
I gotz me a gorgeous redhead jumping outta a shipping box. (I'd take a redhead over a blonde any day)
To wit... A mighty redhead dub all for me. Lol

There ya go Kelly @49dimes

Put that between your "stretchy outty thingys" and fly it!!
Alright gents...What the postman brought you today?
Ok, so y'all agree? Well then let's kick this off. It so happens I didn't get the blonde bombshell jumping out of a cake left only for me to tantalize over.
I gotz me a gorgeous redhead jumping outta a shipping box. (I'd take a redhead over a blonde any day)
To wit... A mighty redhead dub all for me. Lol

There ya go Kelly @49dimes

Put that between your "stretchy outty thingys" and fly it!!
Alright gents...What the postman brought you today?
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