Some pictures from this weekend. I decided to try out the SFG's to see what they would do- 2 flights with them and 2 flights without so I could see the difference. First 2 flights of the day were with them on and I noticed right away that the airplane tracked extremely well at speed (not that it didn't before) and did every speedy maneuver I could think of with laser precision. Pop tops had the airplane spinning what seemed like an endless number of times before it finally pointed the nose back down. They made the ailerons feel a bit more responsive in high alpha. Knife edge flight was of course on par and tracked extremely well, wide open I could hold knife edge with nothing more than a feathers touch of rudder.
When I flipped it onto its back for an inverted harrier is when I noticed the SFG's had a profound effect on the airframe. It seemed to be a bit wobbly and less precise, wanting to roll out real bad in turns. I do have my CG a bit nose heavy (and now that I have a spinner, even more so) so I will need to push it back to see what it does. I noticed it doesn't want to snap to vertical real quick in a harrier like other slicks I've flown do. I'm sure these tendencies will go away once I have the CG correct.
But otherwise the SFG's made it fly awesome. It would not roll out on knife edge, even high alpha, so turns were simple and easy. Looking forward to doing more testing this Saturday.
Oh and the DA70 is nearly ripping the prop now. It's an animal, finally starting to really wake up.