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You may be addicted to RC if...


...your desk AT WORK (not your RC man cave) looks like this:


Your turn! Tell us the signs you may be addicted to RC!


Well I was at the storage today getting all my lawn equipment that I had moved due to Iassac. I noticed that I had also moved all my ARF's that are still in the box. Let's see there was a 74" Edge, 47" SHP, 48" EPP Extra 330SC, WM 48" EPP Extra 300, 48" SW MXS, 35" Sabre, 34" EPP Edge, and 4 each Cox micro warbirds (about 20" WS.) All of these are waiting to be built, just haven't had time. My ready to go hanger is a bit larger.:eek:


70cc twin V2
Let's see.........I have a beat-up UM sukhoi, a crack yak, a parkzone spitfire that need a resoldered EC3, and a parkzone T28 that needs a prop. I'm selling my spitfire, my T28 after I buy a new fuselage (glued 5 tImes), and a bunch of micro gear to fund my first 3DHS plane- a 47 SHP. Hopefully ill get a good $550 for all of that. :D


You dig underneath your couch for a dropped bolt, and find a servo arm (no doubt dropped during a previous build). :)


A room in your home looks like this.....and you have one plane on the bench, one NIB, and two on the way....



  • Hangar 08-04-12.jpg
    Hangar 08-04-12.jpg
    195.8 KB · Views: 525


...your gorgeous wife, scantily clad, suggests you come to bed and you decline, because you're working on a build you hope to maiden the next day. (Yup, I'm that far gone...)


70cc twin V2
Haha you guys should take advatage of that while it lasts.....you can always build and maiden when you are 65 and your wife doesn't suggest that anymore ;)