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ZDZ 112 Champion mounting

My Micro SD card in my phone bought the farm yesterday. Had a 256GB with not alot on it, but what was on it was some pics of my son. So, those pics I may never get back.

I was hoping for quite a bit of pics and some vid. So, vids may not happen....
Dun didded a remaiden. The 112 is sweet! Low needle is a little lean, but such a snappy transition! Resulted in a dead stick that Chad flew out and landed with no issue.

And on another related remaiden subject..... Corvus Racer 540 is back in the air!


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I like 'em "BIG"!
Im hoping not to use any throttle to start this engine. I will not have an engine that requires the use of throttle to start. I feel it is unsafe to use anything over an idle setting for starting.

But...... Different strokes for different folks.
I really have to agree with this notion. I have never had to "full" throttle choke any motor (ign. off) to get it to draw fuel and pop on any motor I have had. If it won't draw fuel at idle choke on, then really what is the point? My 55's, idle, full choke ignition on, flip about 3 to 4 times, POP. Choke off, 1 to 3 flips consistently and they run. I have not seen any difference even with the 111's, the 222 or even any of my 3dubs. Once needles are set correctly, I've not had any need to full throttle choke any motor. But that's just my procedure.
My starting procedure follows.....

Choke on, rock the prop 12 times, then flip til it popped (which was about 4-6 flips), choke off, throttle kept on idle, 2 to 6 flips.

But, I still have to do some tuning on it.


640cc Uber Pimp
Each to their own, adding some (even half throttle) just takes about 50-75% of the flipping. I had my 90 down to 4-5 flips from cold and the 112 down to 6.

We'll soon see how different it is with the pipes......unfortunately mother nature is still flipping me the bird.:(


Damn I'm hungry
Is hell froze over yet??? Did my lottery picks hit??? Are ZDZ's Flip'n Free??? No...No...and No :(. Sigh:face-palm:.

So please help prevent animal cruelty and donate your ZDZ's to the March of Dimes :big-grin:.