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  1. sweetpea

    The I'm going out flying thread 2016

    Nope.....just a brother (but he is married and I don't think he swings that way). It helps she grew up as a Daddy's girl and Daddy went to Classic car shows all the time. Exactly the same "type" of people we are, just different toys
  2. sweetpea

    The I'm going out flying thread 2016

    I finally got out for a flight on Saturday after not flying since Jun of last year (life problems got in the way!). I had my new girlfriend with me who had never really seen RC planes before (other than when I first met her and told her of the addiction). I asked her if she wanted to go and...
  3. sweetpea

    Starting DA-150

    If its a 3W engine (which I know this isn't)....they have a failsafe built in. It won't start on the first flip. The first flip with the ignition on arms the ignition module. The next flip can potentially start the engine. Like most have said........no different than a 20-55cc engine. Prop...
  4. sweetpea

    Starting DA-150

    Everyone has their own technique and some engines are finicky. mine is throttle full, ignition off, choke closed. 5-10 flips or if I see fuel drip from the carb. Throttle idle, ignition on and it fires up right away. I do have one engine that is a pain to start after sitting for time. I...
  5. sweetpea

    Graphic Help

    I got the pic loaded finally!
  6. sweetpea

    Ordered my Su-26

    I love mine. I've splayed the gear a couple times but never broke anything. Just lucky.
  7. sweetpea

    The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread

    Just post major milestones. That iis what I'm doing with my Viper arf
  8. sweetpea

    Graphic Help

    Dumb me...forgot to attach the pic. First thing in the am I will
  9. sweetpea

    Ordered my Su-26

    Missile red is right also. If I ever hurt mine I'll do what tseres did and remove the canister tunnel and do hatches
  10. sweetpea

    Graphic Help

    Can someone convert this graphic into something I can use for 1. Vinyl cutouts 2. I'd like it trasparent so I can put the graphic on other things and not have the background show. I don't have any photoshop editors on my computer. Thanks!
  11. sweetpea

    Pilot Figures, What do you Like?

    Those look really like Red Aero. Might order one for the viper
  12. sweetpea

    The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread

    No pics....but I installed the repaired bent PAU Biplane bent cabane mount. Installed the new PAU tanks in the plane with all new fuel lines. Charged the batts. Still need to install new vent caps, wheel pants, mufflers and the cowl and then she's ready to fly again. Been hanging from the...
  13. sweetpea

    Anyone Running 32:1 Redline in a DA?

    Bel ray I think. But redline is hard to beat
  14. sweetpea

    Ordered my Su-26

    Great thoughts. I just added smoke to mine for weight!
  15. sweetpea

    Anyone Running 32:1 Redline in a DA?

    40:1. No need to do anything else
  16. sweetpea

    The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread

    I got some work done on the PAU/BME Ultimate. Had some hangar rash from the move from VA to OH. All that is fixed. Just ordered up some new PAU fuel tanks to replace the dubro (if they fit, if they don't i'll use them on my PAU Edge. Plane should be ready to fly within the week!
  17. sweetpea

    3D Viper 120cc ARF is HERE!!!!!

    I'll do that tomorrow! If that is true, then the decision is easier (as long as the BME fits). I checked the dimensions on the website and basically the Viper and the Edge are about the same size so either is going to fly fine on the 100 or the 106. I know the 106 throws the Edge (V1) around...
  18. sweetpea

    What's it worth? 3W 100i-B2 w/ DA ignition & mufflers

    Yes it would! I have a 3w106 in my 1/3 cub and its crazy fun!
  19. sweetpea

    3D Viper 120cc ARF is HERE!!!!!

    I need opinions here. Looks like funds are going to be a little tight and finding a used 3W110 isn't happening. So I'm probably going with either a 3W106 or BME100 on the Viper. The other engine is going back on the PAU Edge. I'm barely good at 3D so I'd like Terry/Herve's thoughts on...