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Search results

  1. sweetpea

    Are you going to register with the FAA? Cast Your Vote!

    There's no rule or law until 19 Feb. So they can't do a whole lot to him.
  2. sweetpea


    Glad you are liking it. I still wish there was a 100cc version from PAU
  3. sweetpea

    3D Viper 120cc ARF is HERE!!!!!

    I just took a huge hit on my taxes (from the Divorce). I didn't see that coming:doh!: So my viper will most likely stay with the Edge gear....JR8411's all around and a 3W106. The Edge will go in storage until I financially catch up in about 8-12months. So it will probably be a next winter...
  4. sweetpea

    Spektrum Dx20

    I'm still flying jr10x with spectrum module
  5. sweetpea

    Wanted 3w 110 CS

    Looking for a used 3W 110 CS. If you have mufflers that is great. Not looking for cans or pipes.
  6. sweetpea

    Ordered my Su-26

    Glad on the maiden and sorry for the sudden loss...never easy
  7. sweetpea

    Ordered my Su-26

    Just keep your landings soft and engine runs without canopy on. No bad tendencies with this plane. It presents large in the air also
  8. sweetpea

    Ordered my Su-26

    You will have fun!
  9. sweetpea

    Are you going to register with the FAA? Cast Your Vote!

    You don't register boats cars atvs snowmobiles with the federal govt. You do it at the local or state level. Not exactly the same thing.
  10. sweetpea

    3D Viper 120cc ARF is HERE!!!!!

    Mine were JB welded wire in. Even sanded everything and cleaned it before gluing. Just wouldn't trust that setup anymore
  11. sweetpea

    Saying goodbye to AMA?

    I saw some FB posts today in the model scale area that the FAA are saying AMA members are exempt from registration. Not even needing to use AMA number. Looks like FAA is recognizing the they F-ed up. We'll see how it all plays out before the 19th. I have no plans to register until flying...
  12. sweetpea

    3D Viper 120cc ARF is HERE!!!!!

    I did that on a pattern plane. Rods pulled out on an aileron, caused flutter and a crash. Small weight gain for threaded rod coveted by carbon
  13. sweetpea

    3D Viper 120cc ARF is HERE!!!!!

    Been doing that on pattern planes where the lengths can be odd
  14. sweetpea


    I got my covers from cactus Aviation back in the day. Thhey where chrome (not real of course)
  15. sweetpea

    Saying goodbye to AMA?

    I just saw a QA from AMA. They are now saying..... 1. You must register by Feb 19 because whatever they are doing won't be resolved by then. 2. 400 ft rule does not apply if you fly under community org standards (AMA). 3. 55lb weight restriction is lifted if you fly under community org...
  16. sweetpea

    3D Viper 120cc ARF is HERE!!!!!

    Damn you and your free time!
  17. sweetpea

    Scale World Models 1/3 Super Cub Project

    They are pricey, but nice! Your only other good option are the H9 Cub tires, but they are not quite large enough to be "Tundra". But more affordable.
  18. sweetpea

    3D Viper 120cc ARF is HERE!!!!!

    Mine arrived today at WORK! In perfect shape, no damage! Now to find time to build it. And someone to sell me a DA120 very cheap!