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Ordered my Su-26


70cc twin V2
The assembly manual says 6.5" for IMAC. I fly in Basic. I'll spend some more time measuring tomorrow. And I've still got a spinner to install. I've got a headache from trying to remember how to program my radio at the moment. Close but not done yet.


70cc twin V2
I definitely need to move the COG 1 inch forward. Still need to cut a spinner and I haven't baffled the cowl yet. Any other ideas?


I have smoke...so I had more gear I could put forward. At worst, you just add spacers on motor to move it forward.


70cc twin V2
I have smoke...so I had more gear I could put forward. At worst, you just add spacers on motor to move it forward.

I just put it back up on the balancer and really leveled it. After waiting for the plumb bob to settle down it looks a little better. Right in the middle of the wing tube. Perhaps it was late and I was a little tired yesterday. I'm going to go ahead and get spinner done and the baffle installed. Then I'll have another look at the COG.


70cc twin V2


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70cc twin V2
:happy: I was able to take my Sukhoi out to the field today. One of our unlimited pilots did a pre-flight inspection and passed it with few minor tweaks recommended. It's nice to have another pair of eyes look over my assembly. After about 5 flips with the choke on she popped and a few more with the choke off and she runs! That DA50 is one sweet engine! Maiden tomorrow.