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  1. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Depends on what kind of barn. If you do an all aluminum one than you would poor a monolithic slab first so that there is support for the building to secure to the concrete with wedge anchor bolts. After pricing concrete, this is way more expensive and the alum supports make ceilings and...
  2. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    Make that 2 Herve! I don't mind if parts are painted...that is easier to fix than removing covering
  3. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    They told me it would have been done today except my county inspection for the footers was delayed until after lunch.
  4. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Wife's pictures aren't great angles.....but its going up quickly!
  5. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    I so don't want to be at work today. I want to be there helping! (by that I mean being in the way)
  6. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    This is where I love the Seacraft servo holders! No need to cut into the motorbox and they make lining up a 1-1 linkage easy!
  7. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    Probably try to get my first DA (a 120) if I found a good price on a gently used one.
  8. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    Damn....now I gotta find a 120 size engine or maybe a 3W110?
  9. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    You build your engine mounting similar to how I do mine. I also pin the motor box even though PAU tabs theirs. While this is no SU-26 100cc.....I love the look of this bird and might be getting one. I'll probably call Herve soon. Though I want an ARC version so I can cover how I see fit!
  10. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    Is the cowl vented like that on production models? My new shop needs a new project and this looks like a good contender and its PAU/Terry goodness combined!
  11. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    They are coming tomorrow to start construction:mario-banana::dancing-poop::woohoo!:
  12. sweetpea


    And we know you sped, so that drive was probably 10 and 10!
  13. sweetpea

    Reza has been here for a week and he's already giving stuff away! RED LINE OIL!

    All of you can have my rain in Ohio..........they have not started construction on my shop because of all the rain we have been getting. My yard is underwater!
  14. sweetpea


    That ain't right! I really wish it was a Sukhoi, but I'm sure Herve would have called me if he had a 100/150cc size Sukhoi.....I'd be customer #1 on that!
  15. sweetpea

    Reza has been here for a week and he's already giving stuff away! RED LINE OIL!

    They sent me a Banner for my IMAC contests that they requested I sent back (which I did). Redline was popular in Vegas because of the offroad racing out there, not for RC.
  16. sweetpea

    Reza has been here for a week and he's already giving stuff away! RED LINE OIL!

    I've got decals. PUt them on my pit box and tool box in my shop. I made my own Vinyl Decals for my planes. I just checked my supply and I'm down to one 16oz bottle left. Looks like I need to go shopping!!