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Search results

  1. sweetpea

    I WANT THIS: Savage Bobber Full Scale and RC version

    I want those tires for my cub. And I'll take the full scale as well
  2. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Not a big price difference in the bldg. itself price wise for size. Its everything that goes in it....concrete, walls, electric, insulation....etc. That crap all adds up fast when you go up just a few feet. I really wanted a 30/40 or 40/60 size bldg. but just couldn't afford the guts to it...
  3. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    My concrete guy stopped by today to survey. He's coming tomorrow to prep and Saturday to lay concrete. The gravel may be a few days out which I'm ok with.
  4. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    I did last night. He is coming next week. So far he has been in constant contact asking tons of questions. I feel better already. Monday Im renting a ditch witch for the electric line. 24 inches deep by code
  5. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    That is the way to go. Though I usually spray speckle paint that matches the cockpit instead or grey to match the dash. But hate the wrinkles also!
  6. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    I've only had one electrician contracted.......he was quick to show up to give a quote but since then he was slow to call back, didn't show up twice and wouldn't commit to a specific time today....but he did ask for a deposit which I did not give.
  7. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    Only if you support an account for Sweetpea to get one as well!
  8. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    I will never understand Electricians or Contractors. Quick to come over and quote. Slow to actually do anything after that so they can get paid.
  9. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    I like that one! And I don't care if the Viper isn't a scale plane. It looks cool and that is what counts! Scale and 10% isn't a myth, I was a CD for many IMAC contests and I know many planes wouldn't fit the bill. But it's more than just a tape measure as 10% gives alot of lattitude. I...
  10. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Well my electrician flaked out on me (again...3rd time). FIRED! I'm glad I never gave him a dime upfront. On to the next company which says they can do it for just about the same price and will be here Wednesday. Also he is planning to do the minimum to meet code inside the shop so that...
  11. sweetpea

    Little HELP from GSN members

    Thanks a million! You guys have no idea how much she appreciates this! This one sport/lifestyle has helped her more than meds and counseling has ever done. I've watched her grow up to a young lady with more confidence because of this. Now I wish I could get her into RC but my wallet...
  12. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    Off topic........Are split ailerons "scale" for IMAC on your particular model? Seems that would be outside the 10% rule (ok in Basic, not Sportsman). On Topic....... I almost wish I was going to Nall so I could fly Herve or Terry's Viper!
  13. sweetpea

    My Daughter needs some help!!!

    Thanks again everyone!!!!!! She needs to win out over another youth who is up over 400 (she's just below 200). I know we can do this. She hunted a lot last year and never saw a deer (only in VA though). This year we are heading to Michigan and this muzzleloader will help her at least get...
  14. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    Nope....these are the prototypes. They will be at Nall. Production will start sometime soon I'm sure.
  15. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Yep...I planned one over the door, one in the shop, one for my RV on the outside and one light inside. I'll do the rest. I had a few conversations with him today and appears he will be here Thursday. My concrete guy said Friday or Saturday depending on the project he is working tomorrow...
  16. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    My electrician "says" he is coming to wire up the first part of the system off my basement Circuit Breaker Box this Wednesday. I've tailored down the shop list for him to just a few plugs to cut costs. I can add more once he does the first few.
  17. sweetpea

    3D Builder wanna-be looking for equipment ideas.

    thanks...I forgot about the mitre saw and the disk/belt sander. I use that disk/belt sander all the time for everything!
  18. sweetpea

    IMAC hobby getting expensive

    I actually think prices have settled over the last few years. Yes there are some "new" high dollar items out there but on avg you can get a plane, motor, radio for very decent prices. There are always "new" items that have high prices, that didn't change 30 yrs ago. When you look at kits, the...