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Search results

  1. sweetpea

    3D Builder wanna-be looking for equipment ideas.

    -Table saw -scroll saw -bandsaw -drill press - fostner bits -tap and die set - lots of #11 blades and razor blades, sanding blocks of different sizes and types of grain. I found some at tower that have padding that are nice for small areas but you need a long one for wings. - oscillating sander...
  2. sweetpea

    New Airframe Ideas

    That engine would be awesome in the old H9 Ultimate....if you can find one.
  3. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Got my calls in today to concrete and electric to get these done this week. I inspected the building this weekend and due to some side bracing for wind I had to change my initial plans for walls. I'll need to add some strategic 2x4s to extend each wall out to match the cross bracing depth...
  4. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    I don't normally like green but yours works. I'd like the flames coming from the vents though!
  5. sweetpea

    Scale Yellow Aircraft P-47

    Yep....the Su is awesome! that p47 ain't bad either
  6. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Thanks everyone!
  7. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    I know this is about my shop but I wanted to ask for help from everyone. Ok everyone I'm asking for help for Madison with a photo contest by CVA that she's entered in on Facebook. I know this company well and they actually give their prizes away. Please take a minute to click the picture and...
  8. sweetpea

    My Daughter needs some help!!!

    Ok everyone I'm asking for help for Madison with a photo contest by CVA that she's entered in on Facebook. I know this company well and they actually give their prizes away. Please take a minute to click the picture and hit like for Madison. You must click on picture #10 or it won't count for...
  9. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Would be nice if I could afford it. I can't though....such is life.
  10. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Easier but I'm not going in debt to do it. I've done just fine without it in 90% of my last shops. I had a budget and I'm slightly over already due to concrete prices.
  11. sweetpea

    Can't upload pictures

    I'll try again when I get home.
  12. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Plumbing is a pain here cuz I'm on septic and the codes required yo hook into it.
  13. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    I'm glad they are not ready yet....my shop is taking all my $$ right now. As for those molds.....I'd love one for my edge! I plan to recover it and split the cowl.
  14. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    10k. + concrete + electric+ Waals + insulation.
  15. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    Terry ur as slow building this as me getting my shop built! Pick up the pace. When are these for sale to the public
  16. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    1.5 days. Fast. 3 guys working and me gawking. I need to do some beam work on the ceiling to support ceiling material but I'll wait till concrete is in
  17. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Garage door Friday. Concrete is still TBD but the guy is trying to do it soon. He got backed up from rain all last week