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  1. sweetpea

    The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread

    I put up one wall in my shop and laid out what the floor will look like. That is all http://giantscalenews.com/threads/shop-construction.2446/page-28#post-66616
  2. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Well....one section down....30 or something like that to go
  3. sweetpea

    2015 FBI Corn Huck - Who Wants a FREE RTF PAU 60 - 60cc SUKHOI?!?!?!

    All depends on how fast I can get my shop done and if I can manage some time off. My freezer is almost out of deer and I use my vacation time to hunt normally. I'm used to 30 days a year.....I have no where near that now and my job doesn't have sick time....if your sick that comes out of...
  4. sweetpea

    2015 FBI Corn Huck - Who Wants a FREE RTF PAU 60 - 60cc SUKHOI?!?!?!

    Ouch....11hr drive from my house. Not sure I can swing that without taking off work. And new job didn't give me much vacation time for my first year.
  5. sweetpea

    2015 FBI Corn Huck - Who Wants a FREE RTF PAU 60 - 60cc SUKHOI?!?!?!

    Sweet! How about a link posted to the Site for the event!!!!
  6. sweetpea

    More Proof Women and R/C Don't Mix!

    Something tells me a mobile home and meth are involved in this story as well.
  7. sweetpea

    More Proof Women and R/C Don't Mix!

  8. sweetpea

    Spinner Thoughts

    only choice for me is the PAU CF version or a Tru Turn alum. Anything else isn't worth the hassle in my book. I know you are on a budget but skimping isn't good either
  9. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    I'm looking forward to it!!!! Tomorrow I'm going to buy 25+ sheets of OSB for the walls
  10. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Well millions of dollars later and its done!. My own fault for not taping or telling them to be more careful on the 6x6 posts as they will be exposed but overall I'm happy......poor, but happy. I will have to a little scraping before i paint but overall not much.
  11. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Now I'm back at work and the wife supervising.....I'm screwed!
  12. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    I think I got over the 2 inches I paid for. Let the jokes commence
  13. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Fun starts now! Insulation is going in
  14. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    My kids cracked me up Yesterday...........when I was cleaning out the tools and saw dust they asked me why???? They said my shop is never clean so why do it now
  15. sweetpea

    GSN Coverage and such.. You all are the Rockstars!

    Hope to meet up at future events. Nall probably won't ever be in the cards for me. Tough to take that much time off work right now. I save all my time off for hunting because it puts meat on the table for the family (we don't eat much beef anymore)
  16. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    I feel like the F-35 program though....over budget and over timeline.
  17. sweetpea

    Awesome "Trailer Plane" the Multiplex - Rockstar

    I'd like one also....plenty of 3s batteries and a nice front yard I can fly something like this in!
  18. sweetpea

    The BS that went on at NALL on Friday Night

    More Legislation is what is needed! That solves all the problems of not following the legislation already in place. Oh, and if you are sponsored or an important RC figure you are exempt from legislation if you say "I didn't Know or it was a mis-step" This isnt' difficult...........No...
  19. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Shop is all cleaned out and power is shut off. Tomorrow morning they spray foam insulation and this weekend I put up walls and paint!