Here's the chart with the potential values for a 180Kv and a 22x10 PJN as well as others. The yellow highlighted rows represent the 4330 in 180 and 195 Kv, and the 200Kv is the 5335. The 1005g weight is speculation, and the all-up weight (AUW) and Watts per pound (W/lb) is with the 78 Extra. Power is a calculation of Torque and Angular Velocity. P/Wt is a power to weight value using this power value and is how the chart data is sorted.
Pushing the lighter motors (560 to 595 grams) to a power value higher than ~280 may not be a good idea. Also, how pitch and diameter influence actual Rev speed is unknown to me with some of these motors, so the RPMs for the last 5 motors is speculation. It's usually not the motor, but battery health and ESC capabilities. The 680 and 880 gram motors are Hacker and the 571 and 1005 grams are subsonic's motors.
When I use 8 and 10 pitch props, I like to look for things like pitch speed since it influences how I interpret performance, so the blue horizontal line is about 60 mph. I also try to keep the Amps under the green line so all setups here should be safe, but some are pushing what could be the limits for me here in Florida during the summer, and so far, I've never had heat issues with any Motrolfly motors. The Hackers do run very hot in comparison, but I've yet to see it influence performance. But I'd never run a Hacker back-to-back like I would one of Ken's motors.
These are all 12S setups except for the first row, which is one of the current 10S setups we're running in the 78.