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Scale 25% Krier Kraft build, a tribute to grampa.


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Have a look at these, maybe be a little help.


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Have a look at these, maybe be a little help.

Yep, I have a set of those. Matter of fact I had my tips drawn to match the Whitehead plans until my dad saw them lol, he said and I quote "I may not remember all the details but his wingtips didn't look like that" lol. And because I'm trying to match grampa, I changed them ;)


Having a conversation with dad tonight while watching the Cavs play he reminded me of another neat grampa story. At one of the fly ins grampa Mick had the Krier Kraft at he met Don Anderson of Great Planes. Don was enamored with the Krier, and asked Grampa if he could use his paint scheme on one of his new airplanes for great planes. Now of course grampa told him it wasn't his scheme and told him the story of Harold Krier.

So, anyone remember when the Super Aeromaster looked like this?



Been feeling a little under the weather this weekend so I didn't get to fly much or work on my Krier plans anywhere near as much as I wanted to but I was feeling a little better after lunch today so I got to drawing in some detail on the wings before the Cavs game starts this evening.


Drew in some cut-away areas to help keep the all the different lines going on in the center section from getting confusing. And because that's what the professional designers do ;)


W4 is the rib that the inner plane stuts (N struts) will mount, so I am doubling it up and making it out of 1/8" lite ply.


Servo in the bottom wing is going to be mounted on it's side to a removable ply plate.

Ready to draw out some rib detail, and "N" struts. Then on to designing the horizontal stab and elevators. Also while I've been sitting around feeling sick, I've been pricing balsa and basswood. Seems like it is pretty much a wash between National Balsa and Sig. I'm leaning toward getting it from Sig because well, it's Sig and that's were Grampa would have bought it. lol


Never bought from sig. Gotten lots of balsa from national and it's great stuff. I will be honest though last three times I have gotten balsa I have ordered the tower hobbies branded wood from tower. Other than one pack of 1/4" balsa that is closer to oak all the wood I have gotten from them has been great quality.


Also how much are you gonna sell copies of the plans for when your done. I would love to have a set.

After I build it and make any changes I find I need to make I'll have a bunch made for the cost of having them copied. I think it would be cool to see a handful of Krier Kraft models out there!