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But I already have a red 59" Slick, an orange, 71" and an orange 89"....I might sell the red 59" just so, I can have four orange ones....I can see the orange better....no hopefully I won't get confused when flying one of the other orange planes thinking it is closer or farther away, depending on the plane...

I just got a call from a Mr. Ben Fisher... He wanted to share some good news with us here at 3DRCF. He's out at the Huckfest in La, and said one of the things "a buzz" out there, is this here little forum site... and the buzz is good! :)

I'm pretty jealous of him right now though, being out on the flight line, while I'm home with my 4yr and 4mo old daughters while the wife is out having a girls night... oh well :D

Fly Low!


I can also say that the word was getting out. You can expect a few more people to sign up soon. :)


GSN Contributor
3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC thread

I can also say that the word was getting out. You can expect a few more people to sign up soon. :)

That's really good news Rob, thanks!
Read your post on RCG that you had a mishap with your 119", and wanted to offer condolences..: You said she's "dead" so I'm guessing unrepairable?
So I read somewhere that the dubro arms can strip out at the splines on bigger servos such as the 7955's?

anyone have this experience?

I have one on the elevator on the 70" and that would suck!