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70cc twin V2
Alright guys hitting the sack. Tommorow is a big day. (Not really haha just the usual cruddy school day). At least I have aerospace first block :)

Blucor Basher

Maybe I would have actually gone to class.

From a few pages back:

Blucor Basher is because I bashed together a lot of planes from Blucor foam when I was learning 3D, and I have kept it all these years to remind myself that I am nothing special, I am just a guy who 10 years ago was gluing together flat foam airplanes. Also, at the time I had no money, and I mean no money, and I will always be grateful to the modelers who helped me buy a few parts and gave me their spare stuff so I could keep flying.

So, Blucor Basher is a broke dude who wants to fly so bad that he is willing to cut up blucor and put brushed GWS motors on so the he can go out and try to rolling harrier again. If I ever forget what that feels like, I'd quit the hobby, but I still feel pretty much like that every time I fly.


Whoa. That's nuts :eek: too bad the biggest thing at my field is a 500 :(

Yea that was kinda a once in a long while deal. I was asking about larger servos for my 74 Edge and one of the older heli guys chimed in and said "I've got some you might like, they are just extras but I don't have a need for them right now." Sort of right place at the right time.:)

No problem.....I don't get anything out of it except the pleasure of helping people get some good deals....

That was what I was trying to do also Steve. :cheers:


3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC thread

Anyone see a problem pushing 7.4v to the servos through an AR8000? I know the Powersafe rx's are good to 9v (?), but I haven't seen any max voltage for the non-Powersafe units.


Yea that was kinda a once in a long while deal. I was asking about larger servos for my 74 Edge and one of the older heli guys chimed in and said "I've got some you might like, they are just extras but I don't have a need for them right now." Sort of right place at the right time.:)

That was what I was trying to do also Steve. :cheers:

That's what we're all here for!! Addicts help Addicts!!



Maybe I would have actually gone to class.

From a few pages back:

Blucor Basher is because I bashed together a lot of planes from Blucor foam when I was learning 3D, and I have kept it all these years to remind myself that I am nothing special, I am just a guy who 10 years ago was gluing together flat foam airplanes. Also, at the time I had no money, and I mean no money, and I will always be grateful to the modelers who helped me buy a few parts and gave me their spare stuff so I could keep flying.

So, Blucor Basher is a broke dude who wants to fly so bad that he is willing to cut up blucor and put brushed GWS motors on so the he can go out and try to rolling harrier again. If I ever forget what that feels like, I'd quit the hobby, but I still feel pretty much like that every time I fly.

I always figured the Blucor Basher was a reference to building blucor foamies...glad to hear that story! Your story is also an inspiration to others who have a desire to do something for which they are passionate...such as this web site. :)

Unfortunately my passion for doing rolling harriers isn't quite in sync with my hand eye coordination, but I keep practicing whenever I get the chance! ;)


Blucor Basher is because I bashed together a lot of planes from Blucor foam when I was learning 3D, and I have kept it all these years to remind myself that I am nothing special, I am just a guy who 10 years ago was gluing together flat foam airplanes. Also, at the time I had no money, and I mean no money, and I will always be grateful to the modelers who helped me buy a few parts and gave me their spare stuff so I could keep flying.

So, Blucor Basher is a broke dude who wants to fly so bad that he is willing to cut up blucor and put brushed GWS motors on so the he can go out and try to rolling harrier again. If I ever forget what that feels like, I'd quit the hobby, but I still feel pretty much like that every time I fly.

Ben, That is pretty much what I thought, just wanted to get it straight from the horses mouth, so to speak. You had some pretty good painting tips for simple foamies way back when. Thanks again for your contibutions to the hobby and to noobs like me (even if that was only a two years ago.) We have all been there and I look forward to paying it forward when I am able to. I think there is a lot to be learned from cutting up a piece of foam, then making it fly or attempting to fly, repairing and or trashing that one and starting over again. We have to learn from our mistakes, and I have many times. I finally got to the point that as soon as I crashed, and before I even walked across the field, I knew what I did wrong and tried my best to learn from that. If I did great, if I didn't, back to the repair bench. Well there were and still are a lot of trips back to the bench.:)

I am truely grateful for all the guys that I've met at ARCA and SEFF who have helped me get set up properly or just given helpful tips. Thanks again for setting up the new to me 55" SHP I picked up at Ocktoberfest. I rarely fly it just because it is kinda a classic and would hate to put it in, not to mention it was my first taste of the Kool-aid, kinda sentimental. It flys great, I'm just a little more cautious with it.

BTW I still fly some of my PB II (got into it after Blucor was unavailable) planes, just because it hurts less than busting balsa. Easier to find all the pieces too.;)


Anyone see a problem pushing 7.4v to the servos through an AR8000? I know the Powersafe rx's are good to 9v (?), but I haven't seen any max voltage for the non-Powersafe units.

I've seen somewhere (maybe on Spektrum site) that even the 6100/6110/6200/7000 are good up to 9V, I could be wrong but hopefully not this time. I have not tried powering them at 9V or even much over 6V.