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Scale 50cc Scratch Build From My Own Design Revisited


640cc Uber Pimp
I built a new leading edge tonight from 3/8" x 3/4" balsa. It's grooved to fit each rib. Next up is a lot of sanding to prep the leading edge for sheeting.
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640cc Uber Pimp
After a near disaster yesterday in a failed sheeting attempt, I did get the bottom of the wing sheeted this evening. I have sheeted many wooden wings over the years, but for some reason I really screwed up the first attempt. I was so mad I sounded like Ralphie from A Christmas Story when he was beating up the bully. Thankfully the second attempt went as smooth as silk.
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GSN Contributor
After a near disaster yesterday in a failed sheeting attempt, I did get the bottom of the wing sheeted this evening. I have sheeted many wooden wings over the years, but for some reason I really screwed up the first attempt. I was so mad I sounded like Ralphie from A Christmas Story when he was beating up the bully. Thankfully the second attempt went as smooth as silk.
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fricken fracken %$***..:adore:


640cc Uber Pimp
Last night I trimmed and rough sanded the new sheeting on the bottom of the wing. I then stared at it for awhile to decide if I was going to replace all the sheeting on the top or just replace the narrow strip I needed to remove to do the repair.

Since I would need to order more wood to do it all (I didn't have enough now since I screwed up the first try on the bottom) I decided I would just do the 1 1/2" section that I had removed.

I only had one 42" long piece of 3/32" left and it was about as hard as balsa gets. I figured there was no way I was going to get a piece that hard a narrow to curve around the ribs, so I decided to wet one side and let it curl. I had to help it along a little at first, but after awhile it had a nice cup to it that would fit the ribs and leading edge nicely. I glued it on with CA to the ribs and Sigment along the seam and leading edge. The Sigment sands easy, so it should make blending everything together easier. I'll find out tonight, how I did.
