If you find yourself high on a final approach, you need to forward Slip to land. It will slow the airplane way way down, and you can drop a bunch of altitude in a very short ground track distance.
Did you run out of gas, or overheat and loose power?
There were several issues that caused this.
1. I did not check temps early in flight. Cowl was not open enough. Engine got hot and died.
2. After I was too high on first approach the engine quit right when you here me say "oh no!"
3. The elevator was not blighting on low rates. Due to tail wind??
4. When I flipped to high rates ( from 20 deg to 45 deg) the plane instantly stalled.
5. The 30 mph tail wind did not help.
I replayed this on the simulator. 9 out of 10 time I landed in short distance keeping into wind. 3 out of 10 times I was able to tun and land but need high rates.
I will practice the forward slip. Rudder and opposite aileron to see how it drops the plane.