Fuel Tank Installation & Plumbing.
Fortitude 16oz V1, TDRC Blue Fuel tubing to engine, and Tygon to the Fuel Dot.

Made new slots for my fuel tank straps to keep it from wandering around into my throttle servo.

I lightly heat up the fuel tubing to help it slip over the fuel tank, and carb barbs. Then gently roll it while sqeezing to give it a better seal.

This was the best way I found to make an opening for the fuel line, an angled hole while beveled sides pointing inward.

With this routing it just clears the engine mount and gives adequate spacing from the JTec Muffler (Not on in this pic)
There you can see the fuel tubing being routed.

Heated up the Tygon and inserted a pen to open up the ID so the fuel dot can get inserted and removed with a bit more ease.
I trimmed it a little bit after this pic.