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Bowling Green Extreme 3D Fly-In, July 25-28, 2013


70cc twin V2
Hey Chad, do you guys have a discount setup at the Super8 North? I was think about booking there since its only a couple miles from the field and looks to be somewhat presentable.


70cc twin V2
RotorJockey and Prozac are in!

E-mailed Chad, have a campsite reserved!

Prozac's plane tickets from Dallas are bought!

We'll be rolling in Thursday afternoon!

im planning on sneaking off to this show.

That's my thought, at the moment.
Very sparse outside chance I can get out Friday for Friday night and all day Saturday, but more likely a Saturday day trip, if I can make it at all.
Would be awesome to drag home that big Extra (Or another 60" plane, as if I don't have enough of those :D )

More than anything though, it will just be great to hang out with some awesome RC'ers again.

Rick dazzler

70cc twin V2
Bob from Smart Fly RC has stepped up to the plate and will be sending some discount coupons to raffle!!
Smart Fly makes the best engineered power expander's and great power system's. Check him out @ https://www.smart-fly.com/index.html
All these reputable guys help us to keep these events going so show them some love!!