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IMAC Dalton Extra 260 35%...Back at it!


70cc twin V2
I got all my servo extensions and some bonded washers and a couple other trinkets from Badbradgraphics today. That guy has fantastic service. I ordered on Monday and it showed today. $2 for shipping. Can't beat that with a stick. Back to work


70cc twin V2
I got the fuel tank built and then I started running fuel lines. I am trying to come up with a neat looking vent line. Mounted the receiver as well


70cc twin V2
I also glued in a servo box for my throttle servo. I am hoping to have the throttle working this evening.


70cc twin V2
Throttle works good too. I got 100% on low and high. I like to be more like 110% travel both ways. I just couldn't seem to get that


70cc twin V2
I wonder if that is going to work. Don't jump on me cause I really don't know. I always looped the vent line and exited the plane in front of the tank. I know that the looping works.
Good thought. I have always had the vent exit in front of the tank too. I guess I didn't think about it. I could easily add a loop to it. I have noticed people not doing the loops lately


I like 'em "BIG"!
I have found the silver to be more of a bugger than the other colors too. Don't know why but it seems to do better with a little less heat.
Yup.... Have to agree. Love Ultracote but there are some colors that just seem to take a little more understanding. FWIW...black is another one.


70cc twin V2
After a couple emails back and forth with Eric at b and e graphix, my order is on the way. They did a fantastic job. I can't wait to have the stickers on there