I like 'em "BIG"!
I'm always looking to do something different. That being said, DLA Engines have not really been noted as one of the best brands out there. Or so I had been told. Apparently however, DLA has stepped up their quality and workmanship on their complete line of motors. Many now coming with a 3 year warranty. My DLE's have been great. Unfortunately DLE does not offer a mid sized four cylinder. And no one can deny the awesomeness of the 3W motors. But I really want to try a 128cc four cylinder in a 100cc plane.
Anyone ever have any experience or knowledge of the DLA line of motors? I found some videos on YouTube and was actually pretty impressed. Turning a 29x10 Bolly at 6900 is pretty cool to me.
Good, bad or indifferent I would like to hear some views, opinions and real world experience from those that have used them or are still using them. Just good ole' fashioned discussing with first hand experience.
Anyone ever have any experience or knowledge of the DLA line of motors? I found some videos on YouTube and was actually pretty impressed. Turning a 29x10 Bolly at 6900 is pretty cool to me.
Good, bad or indifferent I would like to hear some views, opinions and real world experience from those that have used them or are still using them. Just good ole' fashioned discussing with first hand experience.