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Extreme Flight 104 Extra


640cc Uber Pimp
My new 104". 10 flights in the books and its been nothing short of awesome!!:thumbup: The 60" little brother came out to play as well. I even got my son to wipe it down at the end of the day. Bonus!!
[MENTION=203]Diggity24[/MENTION] DANG THAT RIGHT THERE IS SOME SERIOUS AWESOMESAUCE!!! I had the 88" EF Extra 300 and just freaking loved it! Miss it already. I think for my next airframe I will be looking at another EF. I had the opportunity to watch Daniel Holman at Wenatchee this year do some amazing things with that plane! When you watch these pro's you get to see what's really possible and be completely humbled at the same time.


70cc twin V2
You didn't miss it, I just haven't broadcast it.

View attachment 19334

Ouch.... I hope that was dumb thumb error and not equipment failure.

Dumb thumb is something we can live with, equipment failure just plain sux..

Put my 91" extra in a few weeks ago after a Futaba radio failsafe occured a few feet in front of me doing slow rolls. Luckily minimal damage that I was able to repair apart from a mangled left stab and elevator. Still haven't been able to reproduce the signal issue yet except when at my normal flying field.

The 104" has to be my next airframe, DA120 on Proflo Cans. Awesome IMAC/freestyle machine/combo.


70cc twin V2
Was a combination of things...

Decided to try some bigger knobs on my radio and just didn't realize just how much different it would be.

Should've tried to get use to the knobs with a lesser plane, but I had just installed 2 new rudder servos in the Extra because the week before I had an awesome save after the rudder locked up hard over left, but I was able to make a heavily crabbed approach and get it on the ground safe. Was pretty proud of that one!

Any way, while the plane was down to install new rudder servos, the knobs for my radio came in.

So, I wanted to try out the knobs and I REALLY wanted to fly my Extra!

Was nervous since the knobs felt very alien to me while flying, but while trying to get use to them, I did 2 of my best crankshafts ever!

Started to get a little more comfortable, upline to pop-a-top then dropped a wing into a nice tight knife-edge spin and finished the downline with an inverted flat spin.

Realized I was a bit lower than I'm comfortable with and will usually just neutralize controls, add throttle and fly out inverted, which I should've done!

Instead, I was a bit nervous because I was a little lower than I wanted to be, a bit uncomfortable with the knobs and decided to try to be safe and flip the plane upright. BIG MISTAKE!!!

Instead of just rolling over, the plane snapped out and with no lift, it went straight into the ground...

SO I NEED A NEW ONE!!! Just checked the stock status, as soon as they're available a red & black one is mine!

So, Curtis, Chris, if you're watching, I've got your $ right here! Just say the word and it's yours!!! :)

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70cc twin V2
Sorry to hear that Fred. Happens to even the best of pilots at some time. Just a shame it wasn't a smaller plane.


70cc twin V2
Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock...

Patience,,, Yeah,,, Not my strongest virtue!


Half way to the middle of the month, though!


GSN Contributor
Finally starting mine :)