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Extreme Flight 104 Extra


Trying to get my duckets I'm a row to see how much more I need. Hopefully I'll be able to get it and the DA this time around. Will worry about the rest later. Should go ahead and order the airframe but would like to get the combo price too.

What engines are you guys running or planning to run?


I'm running mufflers and really like the ease and convenience that come with them. The power is excellent and I'm running a Falcon 27x11 CF propeller. I would not run a 29x10 prop on the DA-120 unless you have tuned pipes. It's going to be a lot of load for mufflers. If you're going to compete in IMAC with it, I would recommend using tuned exhaust anyway as the mufflers are a little on the loud side. If you don't mind the sound though, mufflers are great.

I'm glad you enjoyed the freestyle! :)

Sorry about the wing issue Fred. Thankfully it looks like a quick fix though. Enjoy the build!


GSN Contributor

Going to start hinging my wings... Haven't assembled an ARF with this many hinges before, just wondering how you guys do it, as in how do you break it down?
Just the wing, both wing and aileron at once, etc...

Thanks in advance


What kinda hinges does it come with? I haven't put together a plane with the robart style swivel hinges and was wondering what is the trick to getting them perfect . I see it looks like robart has some sort of jig but didn't know if you guys did it a different way.

I had to rehinge the 50cc I have but I just used a soldering iron to burn out the old robart hinges and used the existing holes.


70cc twin V2

Going to start hinging my wings... Haven't assembled an ARF with this many hinges before, just wondering how you guys do it, as in how do you break it down?
Just the wing, both wing and aileron at once, etc...

Thanks in advance
There's not that more then the 91" extra.

With that made sure I opened up the holes a little before starting, that helps make sure you get all the throw.

For the wings I hinged both ailerons first and once set, I glued them onto the wings.

Same with rudder.


Yeah, DA-120 all the way! It's just perfect for this airplane!

Regarding the hinges, it's really not a difficult process, but must be done correctly. Installing the robart-style pin-hinges is usually done with 30-min epoxy, but Gorilla glue works well also. When using Gorilla glue, you have to do everything at once and can not glue the hinges into one side at a time because the GG will expand and push the hinges out. Once the hinges are in and the control surface is attached to it's respective fixed surface, I always put about 3 wraps of masking tape around the entire wing and aileron (or other surface) to ensure that they are held together while the glue expands.

Regardless of the glue that I'm using, I always rough up the hinges with sandpaper to ensure a good bond, and put a touch of oil or silicone lubricant in the hinge knuckle to prevent getting glue inside the hinge itself.

When using epoxy, I simply stand the surface up so that the hinge holes are on the top and epoxy the hinges into one surface. I do not use a jig and just eye-ball everything. The two main points to remember are that when properly seated, the hinge pin (joint) will be right at the edge of or flush with the hinge-line, and when you deflect the hinge all the way over, the un-glued side will be perfectly perpendicular to the hinge-line.

To ensure the best bond, I always use a toothpick to coat the inside of each hole as well as the entire surface of the hinge "finger". Once both sides are generously coated, I slide the hinge into the hole, rotating it as I do. Once the hinge is seated, I go around the edges with a paper towel and alcohol to clean up any epoxy that has oozed out.

Once all the hinges have been epoxied into their holes, I set the surface down vertically, but up-side-down so that any extra glue will end up closer to the hinge knuckle rather than dripping into the wing/control surface. Don't worry about the hinges falling out. I just keep an eye on everything and check it every few minus until the epoxy has set up.

I hope this makes the process clear!
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