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Extreme Flight Owners Thread

Why, pray tell, do they not want metal stand-offs???


I heard it was due to vibration and the fact that the wood, or plywood sandwich, technique dampened the vibration and kept bolts tighter over time. Perhaps also stress on the firewall is a concern. But, if you are using all metal 1" pillar type standoffs successfully for a while now, let us know. We want to stay light as possible but also want to have a setup tried and true.
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I heard it was due to vibration and the fact that the wood, or plywood sandwich, technique dampened the vibration and kept bolts tighter over time. Perhaps also stress on the firewall is a concern. But, if you are using all metal 1" pillar type standoffs successfully for a while now, let us know. We want to stay light as possible but also want to have a setup tried and true.

I don't have this engine, I was just curious as to why no stand-offs..

Yeah, seems like the wood is supposed to displace vibration when you use the wood. But, that's coming from DA. Who knows what all the EF fans are doing on their 120s. That's why I asked. If some are going their own path and getting good results, we would like to know. The lighter planes are going to have a nice pop to them in the air. On this one we would like a 3D monster that can IMAC well on the side...


I'd shoot EF an email and see what they suggest. I'm sure they've built one or two of those Extras.

In other news the motor box kits are up on the EF site now. $14.99 for the 48'' planes and $22.99 for the 60'' planes.

Now i can fly a little harder and a little lower with confidence
Everytime I ask about the 78" gas MXS I get the impression it is pretty far off. They have not said when the electric version is coming and the gas version is defitenly behind that.

I want to know more about the 91" yak as well. For some reason I want to try a DA-70 in it, even though I know it will be heavy and more complicated.


70cc twin V2